Sunday, March 2, 2008


We set ourselves to be better then people but why do we work that hard? I sometimes wonder about it too. I have to work hard now in my life because I did some stuff I was supposed to do when I was 18 and I just didn't do it. I spent the last 2 years playing various MMORPGs. The games I have played were Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons Online, City of Heroes/Villains, EVE Online, and various others, these games were fun but you know, I didn't have fun with any of em except the first 3 games I listed. When SOE utterly destroyed SWG, I left that game for World of Warcraft. The first time i played it in December 2005, I was new and it was fun and back then it was Pre-BC meaning before the expansion pack. I had a dwarf hunter on Lightning's Blade and i was in this guild called Hawtness and it was a guild I went to because thats where most of the guys from geekempire was in. I was in one of their guilds on SWG and I got into their guild through my cousin. It was great but I was a complete noob in bother SWG and WOW. Lol. I never really gotten better in WOW during December 2005 to April 2005. I sold my account to some guy in hawtness. I just never really gotten into WOW and then I moved on to another game I liked. It was Dungeons and Dragons Online, It was pretty good too and again I joined up with a bunch of guys from geekempire. I guess my affiliation guild was Geekempire. I thought it was cool and then I believe I got too into the game and then I just got bored of it and quit. After D&D Online, I went back to WOW before the expansion pack hit and I level up my rogue, which btw I'm a complete noob at too. At this time, I had two bank alts named Kaelia and Xylona. I was leveling up my paladin named Kaelia and her professions which was Enchanting and Tailoring <---lol but I later drop tailoring for Blacksmithing since my rogue was a miner so yeah. When the expansion hit, i got my rogue to max level and did some stuff and I never really enjoyed doing instances on her either. I got kara attuned and I just really suck on my rogue and i retired her and level up my paladin. Also the guild I was in was known as Bloodline and well its like combination of Noobs + Casual Geekempire.
I was leveling my paladin faster then some people in my guild and when I got her to 60, she was like holy. I was like healing and it was fun too until I was doing my paladin's epic land mount quest and this warrior tank just sucked in this instance. So I took over tanking as holy prot, and just owned at it. At this point, I immediately respecced from Holy/Protection to Protection/Retribution and became a tank. I asked for advice from a couple of people i knew in the game. Initially I asked Exitio for advice and he gave me some. I went from level 60 to 70 leveling as prot and
I also had a resto druid with me named Killermonkey who did instances with me and we would level sorta together. It was really fun and easy but when it came to questing...well...Lets just say it took AWHILE to killl stuff. Somewhere at level 70, I left Bloodline for another guild called Light's Domain or whatever it was called. I met alot of new people like Scracky, Demonscream, Tailin, Huntree, Then I went to a guild called Divine Hierarchy with Scracky, Tailing and Huntree. I started having my tanking gear assembled, I asked for more advice from Exitio but he referred me to this pally tank named Xaven and I just asked him for advice from there on out. Later on in the year, I got my Epic Flyer and I was happy because it was a great accomplishment. I began hoarding more and more gold and then I help my guildies. Also Divine Hierarchy like totally died and half their members went to Depth and the other small percentage like me, this warrior named Smango, and Scracky, well we went to Fusion which is currently the guild I'm in right now. Fusion is pretty great and we progressed so far. Currently, My paladin is very geared and the Paladin Class Leader.
There's alot of stuff ongoing right now that I can't even remember most of my past but I did help some people get their epic flyers. Oh and Paladin tanks are just fucking awesome. Bad warrior tanks have forced me to go from a holy pally to a prot pally and I had to prove I was good. There's some really nice people on Lightning's Blade. Thanks to Exitio, Xaven (Oh where are you :( ....), Smango, Scracky. Oh I was bored when I was typing this but I think it was fun. lol. Maybe I start talking more about other stuff then games, WOW and weird story posts. See you guys whenever.

Charia is a sexier shaman then Susrio because Charia's tail is soooo sexy... <3

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