Wednesday, August 12, 2009

101-110AD Birth of the Holy Empire of Aeonir

In the year of 101AD, the last high ranking officer of the Aeonir Exodus Fleet that survived the Exodus War was Knight Commander Kaelia Aeonir. She took the reigns of leadership for her people and became Empress Kaelia I of the devastated Holy Empire of Aeonir. No one challenged her rule because she was of Royal birth from the homeland. Empress Kaelia I established the Holy Knight’s Guard from what was left of the remaining Knights of Aeonir. They became the Central Command of the future Military of Aeonir. Aeonir and Novarian scientists were able to salvaged the Cloning facilities with intact genetic banks containing the most important animals and people’s genetic codes. Aeonir’s Royal Family Line would remain intact if the Empress died before a heir could be produced.

In the year of 105AD, the Aeonir Royal Family establishes the Cathedral Ascension that is dedicated to achieving Immortality of the Soul and sacrifice oneself to the Empire. The Holy Army of Aeonir was formed to protect the Holy Empire from its enemies in the far future. The Cathedral Ascension also maintains the Ascension Shipyards that resupplies Airships.

In the year of 107AD, the Aeonir Holy Navy was created to protect the airspace of Aeonir and lay down the foundation of a Aeonir-Earth Gateway Lane. The AEG would be used to ferry personnel and supplies to Earth’s future bases situated in Antarctica. The First Princess of the Holy Empire, Sasha Aeonir was born on December 17 through the usage of Aeonir’s Cloning Labs.

In the year of 110AD, the AHN Aeonir was launched into Aeonir’s airspace. It’s mission was the build the AEG Lane to Earth. The AHN Aeonir is a Aeonir cruiser class based on old design blueprints in the Exodus Databases. Novarian scientists created a artificial sentient bio-metal and were prepared to grow massive quantities of it under the surface of Aeonir. Afterwards, the Novarians established The Institute of Artificial Life and Intelligence to further research bio-metal beneficial properties.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Aeonir Exodus Fleet

The year is 1 AD, remnants of the Aeonir Exodus Fleet was able to escaped their homeworld from the clutches of the Ragnos. The Novarians built a gateway into the current galaxy that Aeonir escaped to. They were able to claim Earth's moon as their new paradise but it would required decades of terraforming to make it into a habitable world. Over those next decades, Earth's moon gradually evolved into a lush green moon. When the Exodus colonists revived, they managed to restore the ancient Novarian Genetics Databanks. (The Novarians are another faction linked to Aeonir) From the genetic library, they were able to create their homeworld's wildlife. This new world will be a challenge for the descendants of the next generations. Conflict will be a major factor as growing tensions arise between the Aeonir and the Novarians. It will lead into conflict with Earth's inhabitants later on, starting with the Roman Empire and well into the 21st Century.

- Expanded Piece from "Placeholder name: Timeline"
- Next time, 101-110AD Birth of the Holy Empire of Aeonir

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Umm sooooo

Not much is happening as I been just watching anime and working on my own writing project for only myself. I been avoiding the television because I am annoyed by it. Internet tv ftw? Who knows. I'm also getting really bored of my real life friends. They're boring. One of them owes me so much but never gives back. Quite sick of it anyways. I guess he really is too busy with his life. Well now I know to never LEND him anything from now on.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

National Aeonir Day

Today marks the day when the Aeonir Federation was formed after the destruction of the Principality of Aeonir. The people fled to the mountain ranges north of the capital city, Aeonir. Aeonir's longtime enemies, the Jaegerian Empire launched a massive invasion that overtook the small country's military force. The Knights of Aeonir was almost wiped out and the last remaining two knights fled. The Aeonir National Militia was completely obliterated at the Gates of Aeonir and there were a few that fled. Aeonir's remaining citizens who never fled and stood where they were. They were immediately enslaved by the Empire. The Empress of the kingdom was executed by the Empire when she was fleeing.The Aeonir celebrate this day in remembrance of those lost in the attack and the creation of their reborned nation. National Aeonir Day is on Novani 18 and started around the year 551RB.

*The world uses a 7 Month per Year calendar. A estimate of 57 days per month because of this, the year advances quickly to a normal human being. Humanity does not exist in this universe setting unless I feel that they are included but perhaps through a parallel universe. RB is essential the word "ReBirth" but can mean something else while I figured out a different word.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So this is zzz

Im so lazy at posting on blogs. Today I mostly watch anime then I went and play Supreme Commander, oblivion. Also decided to play FO3 (worst game ever btw), so i basically lay down plasma mines on the ground near the washington monument and around the pool and put the "fuse plasma mine" at the steps on the lincoln lol. Boredom. sniper rifle says what. Not sure what to do now. maybe I should work on my universe storylines that I shall continue to slowly work on. Also the Aeonir Federation will continue its war effort against its enemies.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Forgetting Stuff again.

Okay, I was reading my usual web comics and you know reading left to right is the preferred in Western Culture. But I forgot I was reading Japanese Manga and I was reading it today and was like "THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE" and then I remembered it was RIGHT TO LEFT. Omg why did I forget something that important. Also I went to bed at 6am and woke up around 11:30 or something. I heard someone throwing rocks at my window and the only person I know that does that was my brother Joe. So I went downstairs and he was dropping something but since anna (my sister) wasn't here. He left but I told him I want to learn how to drive and so he is going to go pick something up or something. Yeah I don't know how to drive. Sad really. Anyways I don't know what to do now. Lol. I am so going to repost this on Blogger. Alright see you all later if anyone reads this. *Pokes*
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